Fan-Affliction Introduction

I got the idea for this blog after I read some fan-fiction about j-rockers. It boggled my mind that someone could take these people they knew nothing about, assign clichéd personalities to them, then pair them up with some other random j-rocker. Not only that, but the stories these crazed fangirls write are almost always poorly written, furthering the insult. Recovering from the insult, however, I found I preferred just laughing at them. Then I took it a step further and mocked them. Much hilarity ensued.

If you're thinking you've found some really badly written fan-fiction, you're right! It's supposed to be terrible. So if you thought you found some halfway-decent fan-fiction, either I'm not doing my job, or you really need to polish your writing skills.

As you can see, I'm fully coherent (i.e. not retarded) and know how to put a proper sentence together. Any grammatical inconsistencies or ridiculosities are purely intentional.

Though this is a comedy blog, I may post serious work at some point. That's doubtful, as I haven't written seriously since high school, but you never know!

For now, I hope you enjoy my bad writing and my far-fetched stories.

click on the banners

j-rockers go on a picnic

rolly becomes a man for sugizio

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