Yoshiki's Picnic - 18

Part eighteen - Carpet Carnage

As Mana ran around the park in agony, Sugizio pulled another cigarette from his pocket and began to smoke coolly. He turned to the picnic and walked back toward it, stepping on miyavi as he made his way there.

Because everyone had thought Mana was a bit of a pain, no one seemed particularly upset that he had lost both his arms. They were a little surprised that Sugizio would do such a thing, but they didn't let it bother them, and simply went on with their picnic. The only one who seemed marginally upset was the one famous for his glittering bodysuits and bleached hair. He was not upset about Mana, and he wondered who actually would be worried about that guy. With no one coming to mind, he thought instead of what he was upset about. Sugizio was clearly bored and Rolly knew it wouldn't be long before he picked a different j-rocker to dismember. Perhaps someone who was likeable this time, which meant trouble.

Rolly looked around the circle at each of the people present. Though Rolly knew Issay would be a good victim for Sugizio as no one really knew who he was or cared about him, but Rolly did not wish him dead because he had yet to serve his ultimate purpose. The same could be said for the rest of the j-rockers, and Rolly decided that it would not be a good idea to let Sugizio pick off anyone else. Not even that stupid member of that one band, since he was useful for saying foolish things and...well, that was about all, really.

Rolly watched as Sugizio sat down where Sugizo had been sitting before he'd run off to get help. Sugizio sat gracefully and made himself comfortable in the picnic folds. He looked around with a cool gaze, before his eyes fell to the very blanket he sat upon. What he saw made him flinch with anger. The blanket was rather old and was made of a durable cotton fiber that had been dyed and woven into an abstract pattern consisting of shades of pinks, greens, and yellows. This particular blanket had come from Gackt's home, where he'd been keeping it in a closet for several years, only pulling it out for occasions such as these. It was somewhat soft, but seemed the kind of blanket that always felt rather dirty, and that would always seem to smell of an unpleasant mysterious odor. If Sugizio hadn't been so angry at what he saw on the blanket, he may have searched the edges of the blanket for a tag of some sort. The tag sat near the top left corner of the blanket, which was a tad frayed simply from old age and being stored in a cold damp closet. The fibers which had been woven so closely had lost their tight grip on each other and had begun to pull loose, giving the blanket an aged look. On the tag that was sewed with machine-like care into the blanket's edge, it was stated that this elderly blanket had been constructed in China. It had most likely been assembled by tired Chinese workers in a dreary factory. Though it rarely rained in China, the day this blanket was woven together was almost certainly cloudy and dreary. It was hard to imagine that this blanket had ever seen sunny, beautiful weather, but that was not the case, as the day of the picnic happened to be a fine summer's day and the sun shone brightly and warmly onto the worn woven cloth, despite its raggedy appearance. Even though it looked as if it had come out of the 80s, it was in fact, much older than that. Gackt had received it from his mother as a gift on the occasion of his first concert. His mother had told him that it was a very special blanket, and that he should take very good care of it. Gackt had been young and foolish, perhaps even more so than he was now, and had ignored his mother's advice, shoving the dull blanket into a closet and forgetting about it. What Gackt did not know was that this blanket wasn't simply a blanket, but it was a magic carpet that would fly whoever used it wherever they wished to go. The magic carpet would only fly for those who knew of it however, so his mother had been rather rude when she had forgotten to mention this to Gackt, before dying of epilepsy a few years later. Therefore it would seem that despite this blanket's most extraordinary capability, it was doomed to be just a regular blanket for eternity, soon to be tossed out with the trash because of that peculiar odor it always carried.

Sugizio picked up the chain of flowers that sat upon the faded blanket and growled loudly. "What the hell is this?!" He snarled, shaking the flowered jewelry around so that petals flew in every direction.

"Oh, that's a chain that Sugizo pieced together! I saw him working on it earlier. Where'd he go, anyway..." Yoshiki hummed.

"Sugizo? Who is this asshole?! Why would he make such a stupid thing as this?!" Sugizio said, confrontationally.

"Eeeeh? Sugizo-san loves nature! He's so very close to the Earth, it touches all our hearts. Isn't that right, minna?" Yoshiki said, a soft smile growing over his face.

"Ee. Hai, hai! Sugizo-san sugoi da ne desu," the j-rockers mumbled among themselves.

"Waarrgghh!!" Sugizio screamed. "I hate nature, god damn it!" At that, he ripped the chain apart. Stems and petals broke from each other, and the green lifeblood of the flowered plants flowed like a river of salty water over the ground made of small stones and riverbed rocks. As he tore them stem from stem, the bits of the herbage seemed to flutter to the ground in a slowed motion. It was as though time felt the pain of the small, leaved greenery and was forced to falter as it suffered the agony of it all, slowly vomiting out the sequence of being in a retarded motion. The scent of gore and floral carnage drifted into the noses of the j-rockers, turning their united stomach and making them gag. The sight of the massacre before them made their brains hurl against the walls of their skulls, as though screaming for justice, crying out for an end to all this pain and suffering that they were currently experiencing at the sight of this slaughter.

"Jesus!" Yoshiki screamed. "What have you done?! How could you do such a thing," he gurgled, walking on his knees over to the massacre. He threw himself at the butchery, picking up the discarded petals and leaves and sobbing into their marred flesh. "Nooo! Why... Why did this have to happen?! You monster! You've dismembered them. How...how could you." Yoshiki shuddered with the pain of this gruesome bloodbath and the tears flowed generously from his eyes, onto the spilt blood of the slain.

Sugizio simply watched this with a raised eyebrow, ripping the remaining flowers to bits and sprinkling them into Yoshiki's hair. He looked around at the troupe, and could see the eyes of the j-rockers glittering with tears, except for Hyde's, who was still wearing his fashionable sunglasses, but he too was surely moved by the scene, and his beautiful eyes would have glittered and shone with the clearest crystal tears there ever were.

As Yoshiki sobbed dramatically, Mana ran by the picnickers, screaming and sobbing also, but for a somewhat different, yet less moving, reason. Sugizio seemed satisfied to see the nature before him destroyed beyond recognition. He rustled around in a nearby picnic basket to find a small portable hand-vacuum. While Yoshiki continued to sob, Sugizio sucked the bits and pieces of the exterminated flora, also running the vacuum over Yoshiki's head, no doubt sucking up some hair and skin cells along with the butchered greenery. When he was finished, he quietly turned off the power and discarded the vacuum, throwing it toward the street, where it hit an elderly woman stepping onto a bus in the back of the head. He now felt content to go back to his seat, and kicked the sobbing Yoshiki back to his original blanket before relaxedly setting himself down on the carpet. He helped himself to the basket's supply of staple and ate quietly as the other wiped their tears and tried to move on with their shattered lives.

1 comment:

Calix said...

WHAAAHAAAAT THE FUHHHHAAAACK! Ahahahahhahahha. This was a weird one. THANKS TO SUGIZIO!
You: would you quit it with the capslock.
Me: ok.

"He turned to the picnic and walked back toward it, stepping on miyavi as he made his way there."
Oh, Miyavi is still on the ground I see. Hahhaha. What a dingaling. D: [just imagines his spine making a crunching noise] XD

Ohaaahhhmaaahgaawud. D:
That disturbingly large paragraph about Gackt's magic carpet...... Hahahhahaha.
How long did you take to think that monster up! [laughs] Everything has a history!!!11 Hey, what is Oburaien doing at this time. D: He still getting used to his new arm? Hahahaha.
p.s. Can one even die of epilepsy? Hahahaha.
p.p.s. You know what happened last night, with the deja vu and then getting all weak and weird? It got me thinking (and I'm not being hypochondriac about this, I swear) I might actually have epilepsy, and I'm gonna think about getting it checked out. :\
p.p.p.s. That has no business being said here. D:

"'Eeeeh? Sugizo-san loves nature! He's so very close to the Earth, it touches all our hearts. Isn't that right, minna?' Yoshiki said, a soft smile growing over his face."
What a fag. Ahahahahahaha.

"It was as though time felt the pain of the small, leaved greenery and was forced to falter as it suffered the agony of it all, slowly vomiting out the sequence of being in a retarded motion."
What the hell. Ahahahahhahha. NOOOOO! Not the flowers, Sugizio! Not the petaled loveliness! D:

Why are they overreacting. Hahahahah. THEY'RE JUST FLOWERS! Sugizo (YES! SUGIZO!) killed them the moment they were plucked away from the earth mother! D: ahahahhahaha. Perhaps he does have a dark side after all. ...well. You know. D: Hahahaha.

"As Yoshiki sobbed dramatically, Mana ran by the picnickers, screaming and sobbing also, but for a somewhat different, yet less moving, reason."
Hahahahahha. Who cares about Mana! I don't! The j-rockers don't! Hahahaha. FUCK YOU, MANA!

"He rustled around in a nearby picnic basket to find a small portable hand-vacuum. While Yoshiki continued to sob, Sugizio sucked the bits and pieces of the exterminated flora, also running the vacuum over Yoshiki's head, no doubt sucking up some hair and skin cells along with the butchered greenery."
What the hell! Hahaha. There just happens to be a dustbuster in there. [laughs] And then he uses it on Yoshiki's head. Hahahahhahaa. [will do the same on self] Quick clean! And dust-free! D:

"When he was finished, he quietly turned off the power and discarded the vacuum, throwing it toward the street, where it hit an elderly woman stepping onto a bus in the back of the head."
Haahahahahhahahahhaha!!! YESSSS. Bull's eye! Take that, old lady. XD

Sorry this one's short. The chapter was too, but it was amusing. SUGIZIO ROXXX!!1 MAKE MAH BABIES, SUGIZIOOOOO. [...goes to chase giant black cat walking on her weed-infested lawn] D: